guess what Macey brought in another mouse yesterday afternoon and I think it was the same one she brought in for me on Friday, and luckily this time she dropped it in the bathroom so I was able to kill it and put it in the bin. I felt so proud of myself that I think I've got this down to a tea now! I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures yet again but I promise you that I will have by Christmas. Many Thanks for reading and TTFM
Showing posts from 2014
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You would have laughed yesterday well my black Friday first started in the morning when I was in the middle of changing Macey's litter, now I know black Friday is supposed to be for the shops but I really felt like black Friday fell on me yesterday, because everything that could go wrong did go wrong yet again. But there is at least one thing I know at least I can look back at that Friday and laugh at it. Anyway what happened was, I was in the middle of changing Macey's litter when she brought a live mouse in through her cat flap. And so I did what I normally do in situations like that which is shutting both the dinning room door and our bedroom door and open the garden doors, I put a jumper on because I knew we were going to have the doors open for a while hoe hum! Anyhow as I said we had the back doors open so that the mouse could get out the only problem with having the back doors open and those two doors shut was the fact that I couldn't get out properly until the mous...
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Hey everyone you will be pleased as punch to know that this entry won't be as long as the last one! erm I'm sorry to say yet again I haven't got any photos for this one either but I will have soon I'm sure of it. Anyway back to the matter in hand today went ever so quickly I mean me careers got me up at half eight which was unusual cause I normally I get at seven on a week day and half eight on weekends but because they are short staffed I guess it's all gone belly up, which I'm very pissed off about, cause that means I have to get up at nine 0:clock tomorrow morning, so you can understand why me not happy with that. Oh I've had my rant at the apropriate people don't you fret about that. I'm just having my rant on here now. Don't worry about it cause people who know quite or very well know that I holds grudges I shouldn't do I know but more often than not I can't help but hold over someone. Anyhow on a happier note I went to dance a...
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Where do I start should I start with the last Bank holiday of the year or should I continue with the rest of this week but that will mean you'll only get half the story. No I think I'll start with the last Bank holiday weekend of the year because it will make more sense then. Right two months ago I phoned the wheelchair service up about my wheelchair, because I thought the moters were going on it. Anyway they are finely coming out today hopefully to give me a new chair. But that's not the beginning or the middle of the story, the fun and games really started on that Bank holiday Saturday, well everything was going smoothly on that Saturday morning well as smoothly as Saturday morning's could go I guess, but then Asdas arrived which was fine, because they came and went. Anyway after they had left I had started to unpack my shopping you know as you do, and I had notest they had given me a family sized box of cheerios and I thought oh beep! I've ordered the wrong s...
Wednesday 27th August 2014
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Hey Everybody, I know that I haven't written for a few days or weeks I haven't had much to say but now I have erm I've been nominated to do the ice bucket challenge but you may or may not be pleased to hear that I've decided not to do it. People may think I'm a chicken but I've just heard from my Mother that thirtyseven people have died from doing exactly that, it kind of puts you off from doing something like that doesn't it and trust me she wasn't scare mongering, it's true thirtyseven people have died from the ice bucket challenge hence why I've change my mind about doing it. This is me not trying to be a party popper I'm just trying to stay safe oh and I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures to go with this entry yet again I promise you I will have soon but thank you for reading anyway I appreciate it. and TTFN.
Wednesday 20th Agust 2014
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Hey guys and girls sorry I haven't got a picture for this entry either but that doesn't mean I haven't missed you guys., on the few days off that I haven't been writing on my blog. I feel a lot better than I did I'm still not a hundred percent but who is after nealy a week of atomic pain. Anyhow I've got some good news and some sad news but I think it will be good news in the end. um a family friend of ours is in hospital um what happened was shed had a servia stroac and the doctors didn't think she would pull through but they are hopeful now because I lurned today that she blank her eyes for the first time since she had the stroac so at least that's a step forward at least that's the way I see anyways. And my other news is karren is gonna be starting to teach some sessions in the coach house and even though I won't be there cause of being in the day center I will still see her around. good night and thanks for reading.
Saturday 16th August 2014
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This is gonna be a short entry and without a photo again I'm afraid because I've got pains in my side laugh out loud I think it mite be trapped wind, Cause I keep braking wind! I'm sorry to be so graphic and personal but there's one thing I will say I feel sorry for Macey today no wonder she prefers to stay outside! So I'm sorry but TTFM and thanks for reading even though it was graphic!
Friday 15 August 2014
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I know it's late or early what ever you wanna call it, but yesterday afternoon I couldn't all very well call it evening because it wasn't so let's just call it afternoon. Anyhow Macey brought in a mouse for me as a little gift you know as cats do, anyway yesterday cause I knew there was a mouse in the house get it mouse in the house (he he) like I said I'm wasted here! Anyhow I shut all the doors and opened our back ones, and after a while I shut them again thinking the mouse had gone, but it was at about four 0:clock this morning that Macey found and killed it, goodness knows where it is now. I bet knowing her, she's walking round with a big green on her face thinking I know it's in here somewhere Mummy doesn't think it is but I do and of course she was right as usual! It is still in the house but I don't know where and of course I'm in bed so yet again it falls to my careers to look and see where she's put it or it will have to ...
Tuesday 12th 2014
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Well I wonder what challenges await me today I've already had one surprise this morning as I woke up. I woke up to the sad news that Robin Williams has passed away. I mean he was one of the people I grew up with and I'm sure he will sorely missed RIP Robin. Anyhow on a happier note I had a much better night sleep last night I've still got the aces but I'm a lot better than I was last night. I just feel like I'm rattling with all the tablets I'm taking at the moment! However I went to the day centre again today and this afternoon I was yoga fired again and I couldn't help but laugh and even though people were saying I was being disrespectful I couldn't help it! TTFM and thanks for reading.
Monday 11th August 2014
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Hey Everyone, Sorry there isn't a photo for the entry, but can I ask you a question and don't worry if you can't reply but have you ever had that feeling where you just wanna run and hide or go somewhere where people don't know you. Oh don't worry I'm just ranting and raving, and Just having an in between day if you can even have one of them and I think we're gonna have one of those evenings when it comes to thunder. I'm sorry this entry is so boring TTFM and thanks for reading.
Sunday 10th August 2014
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I'm not going to say much today but what I am gonna say is it's not very nice outside, but I guess it's a lot better than what Cambridgeshire is going through at the moment. So I think today's going to be a DVD day as well as putting my shopping away. Plus I think I've slept funny again and so my neck is sore again I'm always in the wars it seems. Oh the rain has arrived I think we're gonna have a rainbow any time soon! This mite not make any sence but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it anyway. it's tippical that I'm wanting for an early night and it doesn't happen cause I finding myself not being able to sleep. Anyway TTFM and thanks for reading. posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday 9th August 2014
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Hey Everybody, I'm feeling really relaxed today and I don't actually feel like anyone is going to come in to our house and tell me off for not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and it's actually really nice not to feel like that for once. Once I've finished my washing I'm gonna make the most of the sun and do a bit of sun bathing whilst it's out so I'll see you guy's later. Oh and this morning I went on pintrest and I found this rainbow cake which I want to attempt to make I know it's a birthday cake but I like a challenge, and talking of challenges now I'm gonna make light of this, so I'm just going to tell you. Um I've just got off the phone to Mum and she's just told me that the whole of Hope Cottage has flooded apart from my room, and so Paul has had to go up there and try and sort things out. Which won't be easy because for those of you who haven't been there before Hope Cottage is a big house and it's not ea...
Friday 8 August 2014
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Today dance is cancelled because Sam's not well and so I can't put a photo on this entry I'm afraid but I will be able to next week. Actually I'm glad that dancing is cancelled today because my chair is really playing up now. Anyway I'm going off to make myself a cup of tea, and watch the rest of Jeremy Kyle yeah I know I'm sad! Ok I'll see you a bit later. Well I've had my cup of tea, watched Jeremy Kyle and the show was just as boring as ever! But it was the only thing on at time after Jeremy Kyle I did some house work and took the bins out the front and that's really all I did this morning. I had pizza for lunch which was nice but it hurt as it went down as food sometimes dose with me. Anyhow after lunch I went to Strode to get my rooter for next week from Com Care. Oh and then I had a phone call from the social service and they want to see Macey and I on the twenty second of August just to see how we're doing. Apart from that it's been fa...
Thursday 7th August 2014
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Right where do I start with today, lets just say it wasn't a normal day at the day centre in Strode Park! Oh don't get me wrong I went to therapy as normal it was afterwards that I'm on about! I was seating by someone for lunch and they threw up right in the middle of lunch I know that people can't help throwing up when their sick I'm just glad this person amened for the floor instead of my food. I know this entry is short but there's nothing else really that I can say about today so I will love you and leave you for this evening and thanks for reading.
Wednesday 6th Augest 2014
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This morning outreach got me up as a favour to Com care as they were short staffed. Anyhow I got up fed Macey and myself and then the phone rang it was the bed man ringing to ask when he could come round to fix my bed, I don't know whether I've told you but I've got an electric bed and it went up the creek the other night. What happened was, I got half way down because I wanted to lay down, and I took my thumb off the control and without me doing anything it just kept on going. So I said to Mace, that's it I'm phoning the bed people first in the morning. It seriously felt like I was on the phone for most of the day yesterday. Anyway the man came round at half nine this morning and gave me a new control and he also fixed the brake on the bed. my career came back right in the middle of him fixing my bed not that, that matters but she did. So I got her to bring my tea over to the table, and we both had a cup of tea cause she made one too. I did offer the repair man a c...
Monday 4th Augest
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This is only gonna be a short entry I'm sad to say because I enjoy writing for all you guys and girls, I've always liked writing ever since I was aged twelve. Anyway instead of me waffling on, you want to hear about what happened today don't you. Well first of all our shopping came from Asdas this morning, which was fine but it was supposed to have come yesterday reason being was I wasn't doing much yesterday, I couldn't go to church because my chairs still playing up. So yesterday would have been the ideal day for our shopping to arrive, but oh no I had to keep amending our order didn't I but what I didn't do was when it came to amending it for the last time on the Saturday, I forgot to to click on the continue button. So there was me thinking we would get our shopping yesterday morning, when it actually came this morning. When I was in a rush to get things done before my career came to take me to Freshgose! Yes you heard right Tesco's, see I go ...
Wednesday 30th July 2014
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Today I had Amanda with me and because Macey missed the litter tray yesterday bless her, pore Amanda had to help me mop the kitchen floor before we went into Herne Bay to meet up with the stride and riders and I think I need to explain what stride and ride is. Stride and ride is an event that Strode Park do every to rase money. See Strode Park is a disabled foundation which realize on chatty and people giving , For strode park to keep doing what they are doing and to continue being there for people with special needs like myself, and on the plus side it gives people the opportunity to dress up in fancy dress. For instance staff and clients dressed up as fares this year! Stride and ride also means that people have to walk and wheel all the way from Whistable to Herne Bay bandstand I mean come on you didn't think they were dressing up and looking silly for nothing did you no they still have to work for it! Here are some pictures form passed years even I did it until I couldn't a...
Tuesday 29th July 2014
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This morning Macey decided to be noty and jump on the work surfaces in the kitchen and to honest it's funny now but at the time it wasn't! I'm sorry but you will have to use your imaginations again for this entry cause again I haven't got any pictures to show you but I promise you I will have some by the time my next entry comes up in actual fact I lied I've just taken a video of her looking all nine and relaxed and washing herself, like butter hey like better! Jokes nah I wouldn't be with out her I Love her to much anyhow that's not all that happened thiis morning after I told her to get off the work surfaces she then decided to wet the kitchen floor instead of using her litter tray, probably to teach me a leson for telling her off. Oh and then Macey produced a fur ball. So then I thought oh well my day can't get any worse cause I was already late to the day center what's one more minute. anyways I'm going to stop rabbiting on and go to bed c...
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Wednesday 23 July 2014 Hey as you may have gathered Macey and I are back home and to be quite honest with it's like we've never been away, but again it feels like we have if that makes sense. The reason it feels like we haven't been away is because I'm still as busy as ever. And on the other hand it still feels like we're still on holiday because I still feel relaxed! Oh you'll never guess what happened today before my career and I went to the vets to get Macey's flea and worming stuff well she I and went to Table Table and the waiter wanted get into the cupboard for something and I was in the way, so my career said no don't move make him beg and so before I even had a chance to say no he was down on his knees begging me! Oh we both had sausage and mash and for pudding my career had ice cream and I had sticky toffee pudding with custard. Then we went to the vets to get Macey's med's, but what I didn't know until this morning that there was...
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Saturday 28 June 2014 Hey Guy's and Girl's I'm sorry but today's gonna be a short entry because unfortunately Mace and I are going home to Kent and we are really sad to be leaving, because I think I'm speaking for the two of us when I say that we've really enjoyed ourselves this time and we can't wait for Christmas now. Oh but don't you worry because this is not the end of us blogging for oh no because there is plenty of this kind of stuff to come! But until then Macey and I wanna thank you all for reading and still keeping us inspired to keep writing this blog, and we have also enjoyed reading and replying to all of your comments, and to those of you who can't leave a comment please do keep reading because honestly we do value our readers. (Thank You)
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Friday 27 June 2014 Yay finally the day we've all been waiting for it's Mrs Browns Boy's day and to be honest with you I can't wait. We've booked the film for about five 0:clock so I've got some time to do some of my blog at least, I'm gonna try something out on my tablet which mite help me with writing my blog, something which is a voice activation device but the only way I can try it is with complete silents And I don't think I'm getting it so I'm gonna try it with my door shut and failing that I'm gonna give up and do my blog another day. Erm I gave it a go but just as I thought I was interrupted so I'm giving up for today I'm sorry about that, but on the up side at least I've got Mrs BB to look forward too. So I'm gonna detach myself from my tablet! And go in the kitchen for lunch, oh while I was in my room Paul dropped a note into next door asking for permission for him to look in her house to compare it ours and to b...
Thursday 26 June 2014
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Now I didn't want to write this entry today but somtimes you have to do things you don't want to do to get through life. So here gose this morning we went to the photo shop to have my blue badge photo done and we spent what felt like four hours in there, because I just couldn't make a straight face. The man bless him thought it was for a passport photo, but what Mum or I didn't realize until it was to late was that if it was for a blue badge I didn't have to be so straight faced. And it just so happens that Mum ended up putting one passport sized photo on facebook. So by the afternoon you can imagine where I was yeah on the Britons most wanted list on crime watch!! What makes it worse is the fact that it doesn't look like me! I said to Mum that's a cartoon vurshen of me that's not me, and she said it is I'm afraid! Anyway after all that we went to Freshcose again because we had forgotten a few things but then we came to flop. And watch the afternoon...
Wednesday 25 June 2014
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Today's gonna be a short entry again I'm afraid even though we had a really nice day the sun was shining and it was hot, Mum and I went to paninis again I won't tell you what we had cause you can probably guess anyway! After lunch we walked through the park just because it was a nice day and we could, oh and Mum wanted to go to akas yard and that is where they hold things like materials and stuff like that. Because Mums got a lot of friends who want her to make things for them, and one of those things are book covers and one of her friends wants her to make eight of these because one of her friends let's calls him Aaron! Just because we cans Anyway Aaron wants something like eight book covers goodness knows why hummm let me think! Could it be because he wants all eight book covers to himself no surely not! Oh yeah I remember Mum telling me now he's got eight sister's! Hevens Mum will be busy. Anyhow after passing through akas yard we decided to take a stroll th...
Tuesday 24 June 2014
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Today Mum and I went into town to get pampered, but first we went to the printing shop to see if they did passport photo, so they told us where to go! Nah only kidding no they told us where we could get them done that was wheelchair accessible and it was only down the road, but my chair wasn't charged last night and so I couldn't go far and Mum defontly didn't fancy walking, because of her back and who could blame her I wouldn't if I was her. So we left it until tomorrow morning and went to paninis, to have our bacon and egg baget and curly fry's, then we went to the hairdressers to have our usual end of holiday pampering setion and I'm not kidding not only do I have my hair done but I have my eye browse done as well! This time though Mum is sitting beside me, and she could see how much it was hurting me this time. But and this is a big But I like the end result, So at the end of the day it was worth it to have them cut that short, just to see the finished prod...
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Monday 23rd June 2014 Today Mum and I are going to Tesco's because as I may have told you Mum will have to stay up in March when Macey and I go back home to Kent just until the green room ceiling is done and dusted! Get it done and dusted! Oh well I'm waisted here as a blogger. Anyway where was I oh yeah Mum and I went to Tesco's to get some food for Mum for the next two weeks oh and some Tesco's diet coke for the rest of the week. Then we went home to see what Macey was upto and to fill in some paper work for my blue parking badge. Oh this morning found Macey's head in between the bars of the bannisters it was very funny Mum called me just in time to take a picture. Oh today was a bit more of a lade back day but again we enjoyed it.
Sunday 22nd June 2014
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Today Mum and I got up had brakefast, well I had brakefast but as usual Mum had her second cup of coffee of the morning. I was the one who had brakefast, anyway I had quusonts with butter on and a cup of tea. After brakefast I went to my room to get ready to go to Peterborough when I suddenly burst into tears because it was then that I realized that Mum and I only had one more week together and that this time we really were enjoying ourselves. But I wasn't expecting to burst into tears like that, oh I did have a migraine may be that was part of the reason as well but I didn't feel the need to tell Mum unless it got really bad. Oh and to top it all off I had a pain in my neck too rlittrly I'm not kidding it was then I told Mum because I had to take some pain killers. So what I did was I left Mum in a clothes shop while I went to pop some pills! Then I went to Hobby craft to use the loo, Oh the first shop we started with before all of that went on was pets corner because I h...
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Saturday 21 June 2014. This morning I'm having a lazy morning watching True movies on TV and stuffing more of those kickeroos and that was me for the morning I'm afraid, for lunch I had a burger and after lunch I helped Mum with these coloured paper beads that she makes to wrap around the plastic to make what she's selling more attractive. So we spent a little while outside doing that and then we came inside because I never thought I'd say this but I did it was actually getting too hot out there! So we came back in doors and I watched a bit more TV before going to a dance in the evening at The Water Mens club. If anything we went to have a laugh because nobody in that band could sing except for a few people, so at least you could say we were having fun and Mum and I were nearly wetting ourselves!
Friday 20th June 2014
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Today Mum had a bit of a tidy up before we went to our favorite place for lunch, and the main conversation we were having was still about the fault in our stars, because it was such a fab day and a fab film that I've got a filling that I'll still be talking about it when I get back to Kent! Anyhow back to Friday yeah so we went to paninis for lunch and this time I had a orange juice with lunch instead of a milkshake. Yeah I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that's unusual for you, yeah well I fanced a change but don't worry cause we still had our famers baget so I'm still set in my ways! After lunch we went to sainsbury's to get something for tea, bra's and the boy in stripped pajamas. But we didn't watch that this evening we watched the soonarmea DVD instead and that was another film I was really gripped to an all, and after telling you all that I'm just about ready to go to the nackers yard! And so on that note we're going t...
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Wednesday 12th June 2014 Now Wednesday was a busy day, first of all we had brakefast and disgussed what sort of fridge freezer we were gonna get as to whether we were just gonna get a freezer to fit in my bedroom or a fridge freezer that went in the kitchen. Anyhow whilest Mum and Paul were continuing to have the fridge freezer conversation! I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth and doing other stuff in my room like carrying on with my blog for a bit. Before it was time to go the cinama and curry's. Um when we got to Wisbech Mum went and got the tickets for amillon ways to die in the west and she also got tickets for M's Brown's Boy's as well, it was lucky she got them because even though they'd just started selling the M's Brown's Boy's tickets they would have sold out by then cause M's Browns is very popular and so Mum was lucky to have got the tickets when she did! When Mum came out the cinama after getting the tickets we headed to curry'...
Thursday 19th June 2014
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Today I'm really excited because Mum and I are going to the cinma to see a film I actually want to see, Called the fault in our stars and aprently we needed tissues! The film is about two teenager's who meet at a cancer suport group and for want of a better word they hit it off! They also swap books, I think she has his sifi book and he has her book about this girl who has cancer. But in the book that she gave him they both now wanna find the answer as to whether there is an ending to the book, because their dosen't seem to be one. So to make her happy he decides to take her to Ampstadam to find the person who wrote the book, but she gets rushed into hospital for fear of her cancer returning, and so they had to postpone the trip for a while. Although it was touch and go for a little while the doctor's wouldn't let her go but her parents purswaded them to let her go for three days. Anyway to cut a long story short they didn't find the answers they were looking...
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Wednesday 18th June 2014 Today we're just having a lazy day in our sloppy's and watching the Nelson mandela DVD, and the coulor purple DVD. The Nelson mandela DVD was brilliant because it's shows people what Nelson mandela went through to get to where he was in life. The coulor purple on the other hand I could not understand, and their for I didn't find it very enjoyable. I also stuffed a bit more of those kickeroos. posted from Bloggeroid
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Tuesday 17th June 2014 And this time I have decided to put the date on this entry if you lot don't mind cause I think I'm up to date now! Anyhow back to Tuesday, yeah so Mum and I decided to do a bit of water coulor drawings and to be quiet honest with you they turned out really rather nice. Mums was much better than mine, but that goes with out saying really doesn't it! We also decided to go to paninis for lunch again, which may or may not souprise you and I'm also gonna miss out on what we had because it's same old same old. After lunch we went to Sainsbury's to get something for tea then we came home and slumped in front of the tv! So all in all that was a pritty chilled out day to one thing I must say is sorry that my entry's are a bit boring at the moment, I promise you that I am getting to the exciting bits! I just have to go through the boring bits to get there. posted from Bloggeroid
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Hey guys and girls I think I'm gonna stop putting dates on my entry's here just for this holiday blog, because I think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, and I don't want to do that because me myself I don't want you to have to miss out on anything. Besides all that and vering off from my last entry, it has now become Monday the sixteenth cause my last entry was the fifteenth and that was the actual day I took Paul out for his meal on the fifteenth of June. Sorry if all of that got lost in translation! Anyhow back to Monday the sixteenth of June 2014 we didn't do much again I know that I'd decided to get dressed, and forgo a sloppy day even though we staying in. I'm really sorry there's really not much to say on this entry. And I fibed again I haven't got any photos for this entry.! posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday 16th June 2014
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Today we didn't go to church, because it was Father's day and I had booked all three of us a table at an indian restaurant for twelve 0:clock lunch time, and Oh my gosh it was stunning inside. Oh and the food the food was too die for! We had to take the rest home it that filling! Well Mum and I did anyway cause Paul went back to Northolt in the afternoon. It really was a lovely day and what got me was the lights upon the ceiling they, they were really cool! I mean can you believe that it used to be a HSBC because I can't. Anyway I think Paul enjoyed himself which was my main aime. No but I'm glad he enjoyed himself and I'm glad Mum did to. All in all it was a fabulous day. posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday 15th June 2014
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I'm gonna start off with saying I haven't got a picture for this entry either, but don't worry cause I have for all the rest. It's barbecue day yay I'm dead excited because, I know Pete and Julie are coming up but they are bringing Aileen up as well and she's a friend that I haven't seen for ages, more importantly she's gonna see Macey for the fist time. Anyhow they arrived at twelve and Paul got the barbe started pritty soon after. Mum handed chrips out in case anyone was hungry while the food was cooking. I went to Lidles for some bread rolls and when I came back it was just about time to eat, we all were full afterwords with burgers and goodness knows what else but we enjoyed it! After lunch stroke dinner some of us went to town and some of us stayed behind and fell asleep on the sofa I'm saying nothing! (Peter) when the girl's came back from town. We sat in the living room and Mum and I got our craft stuff out to show Aileen and the others an...
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Friday June 14th 2014 Today Paul spent most or all of the day in the garden and we spent it making craft stuff and preparing for tomorrow's barbecue, oh and I also had a bath in the afternoon now I know you don't want to believe it but it's true! I'm sorry because once again I haven't got any pictures for this entry guys and girl's I feel upset now, and I feel I've let you down now! posted from Bloggeroid
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Thursday 13th June 2014 This morning I had to have a lie in because mum had to get up before the surveyor came to look at the ceiling in the green room. So that ment I had to get up at half ten. What had happened with the ceiling was, over a number of years the ceiling was collapsing and it fineally collapsed, collapsed on Monday. But I don't know when on Monday. So you will have to use your imagination! Anyways I got up got dressed and had breakfast on the breakfast bar because the table was cluttered with food from the fridge freezer, and so hents why I had to have it on the breakfast bar, and the reason why the food was spread all over the table was because the new fridge freezer was about to arrive and the delivery men wanted all the food out of the old fridge freezer. So that they could do a straight swap. Oh believe me when I say it has been a crazy morning. After the fridge freezer was delivered we dicovered that the fridge freezer was a bit unsteady so Paul had to moun...
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Wednesday 12th June 2014 Now Wednesday was a busy day, first of all we had brakefast and disgussed what sort of fridge freezer we were gonna get as to whether we were just gonna get a freezer to fit in my bedroom or a fridge freezer that went in the kitchen. Anyhow whilest Mum and Paul were continuing to have the fridge freezer conversation! I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth and doing other stuff in my room like carrying on with my blog for a bit. Before it was time to go the cinama and curry's. Um when we got to Wisbech Mum went and got the tickets for amillon ways to die in the west and she also got tickets for M's Brown's Boy's as well, it was lucky she got them because even though they'd just started selling the M's Brown's Boy's tickets they would have sold out by then cause M's Browns is very popular and so Mum was lucky to have got the tickets when she did! When Mum came out the cinama after getting the tickets we headed to curry'...
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Tuesday 11th June 201.4 On Tuesday morning when Mum and I woke up cause not that you need to know but I will tell you anyway, Mum and I share a room when Mace and I are up here.just incase I need something of a night time. Anyhow when Mum and I woke up I practicly begged her to have some time out for herself and by that I mean a little bit of shop till she drops! Anyway while she was out Paul and I sayed in, Paul was in the garden doing what he loved, but he also had a list of jobs to do. I was inside doing my blog. I'm sorry that's about all I can remember for Tuesday and another thing I haven't got a photo for Tuesday or wednesday I'm sorry.
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Monday 10th June 2014 Monday morning we didn't do an awful lot well at least I didn't, Mum on the other hand was busy packaging up all the stuff she had sold to send to all the relevant people. Paul was out in the garden sanding down a dolls house for Mum and I to use at the herne bay craft fare. After lunch Mum and I went to Tesco's to get some food for the time that I was here for. We only needed a little bit of food because of getting the fridge freezer on Wednesday, oh sorry we were only buying the fridge freezer on Wednesday not getting it on Wednesday we were actually gonna have it on Thursday because it was gonna be delivered.
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Sunday 9th June 2014 We didn't do much again that Sunday morning. Well Mum stayed at home relaxing well she was ment to be whether she was or not I don't know probably not knowing her. Anyway whilst Mum was supposed to be relaxing, Paul and I went to Church so nothing really out of the ordinary. After Church Paul and I had lunch at a little caffe by March so we didn't have far to go home. at the caffe I had a cheese and ham panini and a milkshake with toppings and Paul had a brakefast baget and a coffee, and all's I can say was it was lovely. That morning well in actual fact the whole day was nice, because in the afternoon the three of us went along to the park. Where they had activities going on we even had an ice cream each and sat on the grass and watched performances. Oh we had fun that afternoon but when we came back we had found that the chicken had gone off, because the fridge freezer had stopped working that evening. So we had to live on microwave meals and t...
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Saturday 8th June 2014 On the weekend the March fair started but we didn't go because I didn't quite feel myself, and it wasn't because I had to much cheesecake either I know what your thinking! No it was because I was a bit bunnged up. Think of that what you will, anyhow I'm glad we didn't go to the carnival because it was very showery and Mum and I would have gotten very wet. Besides we had stuff to do before Paul came up in the evening. like doing a bit more of the butterfly board and tidying up. I'm sorry theres not much more on this entry but again if an entry is short it's because we didn't do much that day. I mean all that happened with us on Saturday was taken up by craft and waiting for the whether to subside so that Paul could come up safely.
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Friday 7th June 2014 On Friday we got up and again I had a light brakefast cause of going to Paninis for lunch and it may be a surprise for you not! That we had our favorite, half a bacon and egg baget between us with curly fry's to share as usual! After lunch we went to storeys which is basically a craft shop. We went there first to get some buttons for the buttoned hart that I was also working on, on Thursday which I neglected to to tell you I'm sorry about that! Yeah I made this buttoned hart and I sold it for seven pounds or there abouts. Anyways back to Friday after storeys we headed home to make this dreaded lime and ginger cheesecake that I keep going on about. Anyway how this cheesecake came about was I made one at the day center that I go to and I was carrying it home when I'd just got to my front door and dropped the cheesecake all over the courtyard. I wasn't best pleased but luckily my neighbor helped me clean it up. So the next time I went to the day ...
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Thursday 6th June 2014 On Thursday I went out to Lidls which is only at the back of our back garden! Anyway I went there to get the ingredients for making lime and ginger cheesecake. The cheesecake consisted of ginger nuts, dubble cream, creamy cheese, and 2 limes and butter. But in actual fact I bought a little more limes than I bargained for! So Mum and I had to think of other ways we could use all those limes up. So we made our lime and ginger cheesecake as planned but we also made a lime pie and a bannana and lime cheesecake, they were all very nice but they weren't as nice as the first one we made. Anyhow what am I chatting about I only went and the ingredients, while Mum was playing the waiting game and waiting for the plummer cause the boiler had broken down and he had to come and fix it.
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Wednesday 5th June 2014 On Wednesday we didn't go out because it was market day, and it would have been really busy so we stayed in and did some craft. Which involved making kickeroos to sell, kickeroos are cat toys with cat nip in them. We let Macey help us a little bit by letting her test one out before we sell them. We also filled in a butterfly board with colour cards but that activitie isn't completed yet so Mum will have to take it back to northolt and finish it off there. I'm sorry this entry is short it's just that I haven't got much to say for Wednesday.
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Tuesday 4th June 2014 On Tuesday I got up got dressed had brakefast Mum didn't have anything because she doesn't usually eat of a morning, but she did have a cup of coffee so at least she had something I guess. I on the other hand only had a light breakfast purely for the fact I knew we were going to Paninis for lunch. Panini's used to be the town hall it's nice in there. We shared a bacon and egg baget because the bagets in Paninis are massive! Anyway whilst we were having lunch this bloke in a wheelchair came in which was totally normal for me because I'm in a wheelchair myself so I'm used to that sort of environment, but the way he was dressed made me laugh so much! That I could not contain myself I mean I went outside because if I didn't I really would have wet myself I mean he had flowery shoes on and a matching suit! He was also nitting and that's not all he also looked like a person I knew besides that. Without he or I knowing Mum was taking...
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Monday 3rd June 2014. Hey this is only gonna be a short entry as we didn't do much on Monday. I mean I was in my nighty having a pj day and Mum had her sloppy's on incase somebody came to the door, and of course Macey dosen't have anything on exept fur! and as usual at Hope Cottege. Nothing ever quite gose according to plan the thing's we set out to do sometimes happen like making phelted soaps. At least that happend even Macey gave us a hand. While we were making these phelted soaps we had a knock on the door and a fire fighter was standing there. So he came in and said that we were one of the households on the vulnerable list more likely to have a fire. So he sat us down and had a dicustion with us about staying safe in the home. But he could see that we were farely safe and that we know what we were doing so he left us feeling happy that there wouldn't be any problems anytime soon. Anyhow I think that's all I'm gonna say for Monday because I think I...
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Sunday 2nd June. On Sunday we'd decided not to go to church and so dad cut the grass while Mum and I went to Wisbech. We were only ment to go to pets at home, but we ended up going to two shops Dunelms and PC world. We went to PC World first because Mum wanted to get a kindle fire so she would be able to read the bible better when she went to church. She said did I want to get a tablet I said that I would decide when I had been to pets at home because I wanted to see how much Macey's stuff was first before I made a decision about buying a tablet. But as it turns out that I was able to get a tablet cause Macey's stuff wasn't expensive. We went to Dunelms. next but unfortunately they didn't have what we needed. So we went to Macdonald's for some lunch. And I'm useful not! Because yet again I've forgotten what we had as usual. Oh there's something I forgot to say when we were in pets at home now this really will make you laugh, when we were in pets...
My holiday with Macey and Mum
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.Saturday. My Mum and Dad came down on the Friday evening at about eleven o:clock and so we had a farely late night that nigh. We went on holiday on the Saturday, but before setting off on the moterway. We left Mace back at the house while Mum, Dad and I went for btakefast at the punchtavin. I had bacon, sauages, eggs and hashbrowns and Mum had bacon, sauages, eggs, hashbrowns, tomatoes and beans. I can't remember what Dad had. But that doesn't matter because we had a good time anyhow. After brakefast we went back to the house to finish off packing and to pick up Macey and put her in her carry case ready for the long journey to Camebrigeshire March. But little did we know it would be a longer journey than we hoped it was going to be because the car had broken down and so we had to wait for the AA to arrive, luckily for us the man said that he would arrive within half an hour and that he did. What he said as regards to the car braking down was that the coil had come to the ...