You would have laughed yesterday well my black Friday first started in the morning when I was in the middle of changing Macey's litter, now I know black Friday is supposed to be for the shops but I really felt like black Friday fell on me yesterday, because everything that could go wrong did go wrong yet again. But there is at least one thing I know at least I can look back at that Friday and laugh at it. Anyway what happened was, I was in the middle of changing Macey's litter when she brought a live mouse in through her cat flap. And so I did what I normally do in situations like that which is shutting both the dinning room door and our bedroom door and open the garden doors, I put a jumper on because I knew we were going to have the doors open for a while hoe hum! Anyhow as I said we had the back doors open so that the mouse could get out the only problem with having the back doors open and those two doors shut was the fact that I couldn't get out properly until the mouse run out. And so if I wanted to get out the only option was to go through the back doors because I didn't want the mouse to get out any other way. Now I had to post something and in our close there's a post box just along the way so I thought I would be clever and go through the garden to get to the post box, so I said to Macey I would be back in a second, but what I didn't know was I was about to get stuck in the grass, I tried to get out of the grass myself but I had no chance so I called Tim our next door neighbour, and he tried to get me out but he couldn't so went in my house and pressed my alarm but because the people on the other end of the line were taking there own sweat time finding the number for my carriers Tim went to David's and he called strode for me, and no word of a lie it  took four people to get me unstuck. Thanks for reading and TTFM


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