Thursday 26 June 2014

Now I didn't want to write this entry today but somtimes you have to do things you don't want to do to get through life. So here gose this morning we went to the photo shop to have my blue badge photo done and we spent what felt like four hours in there, because I just couldn't make a straight face. The man bless him thought it was for a passport photo, but what Mum or I didn't realize until it was to late was that if it was for a blue badge I didn't have to be so straight faced. And it just so happens that Mum ended up putting one passport sized photo on facebook. So by the afternoon you can imagine where I was yeah on the Britons most wanted list on crime watch!! What makes it worse is the fact that it doesn't look like me! I said to Mum that's a cartoon vurshen of me that's not me, and she said it is I'm afraid! Anyway after all that we went to Freshcose again because we had forgotten a few things but then we came to flop. And watch the afternoon film on five, it was then in the evening that Mum and I watched the boy in the stripped pajamas and that was the bit I didn't want to write about because it very nearly gave me nightmares. But you'll be pleased to know it didn't but only because I watched one born every minute. Anyway on a lighter note Paul is coming back tonight too, so I had better stop writing my blog for tonight and be socialble for once!

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ....... sorry Bex but I am howling with laughter, this is such a funny entry!!!!!! xxx

    1. Good that is my aim! To make people laugh

  2. Hi Bex you do have such a way with words! Have tried several times before to post a comment and each one has disappeared. Mum hopes she has now solved the mystery so here goes! Xx

  3. Yay! It worked at last! Now I can catch up with 'past numbers' and post comments you can read. Well done for keeping going - it is forming a brilliant and very amusing account of your holiday :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. are Paul welcome to the fold at last!


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