Thursday 19th June 2014

Today I'm really excited because Mum and I are going to the cinma to see a film I actually want to see, Called the fault in our stars and aprently we needed tissues! The film is about two teenager's who meet at a cancer suport group and for want of a better word they hit it off! They also swap books, I think she has his sifi book and he has her book about this girl who has cancer. But in the book that she gave him they both now wanna find the answer as to whether there is an ending to the book, because their dosen't seem to be one. So to make her happy he decides to take her to Ampstadam to find the person who wrote the book, but she gets rushed into hospital for fear of her cancer returning, and so they had to postpone the trip for a while. Although it was touch and go for a little while the doctor's wouldn't let her go but her parents purswaded them to let her go for three days. Anyway to cut a long story short they didn't find the answers they were looking for in the end all they found was a drunkend bumb. Oh and by the way he dies before her I'm sorry I stole your thunder when I ruend the ending for you not! Anyhow on a happier note after the cinama we went to Franky and Benny's where Mum had mushrooms and some sort of sauce as a starter I can't remember what she had for her mains, I had a milkshake and a burger, but one thing I can remember is that we were both full. When we left Franky and Benny after having a satisfying lunch slash dinner we went to Dunelms and Mum poped in their quickly for a pillow, and I was waiting in the car taking selfys. Thank you for reading this entry and sorry about my spelling.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I definitely needed tissues. It was the best film ever, and fab blog entry! xxxx

  2. My daughters went to see that too. Even my eldest daughter's boyfriend cried! I darent see it at the cinema...I'd make a scene. :P
    Milkshake looks lovely! :D x

  3. it is good isn't it I was thinking of seeing again, oh I've now got my cat thanks Em I Love it. It is now sitting our mantle peace at home and by that I mean mine and Macey's mantle peace! Oh and don't worry she wont get jelours or anything in fact I think it mite be the opposit I think she mite Mother it instead!!


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