Friday 27 June 2014

Yay finally the day we've all been waiting for it's Mrs Browns Boy's day and to be honest with you I can't wait. We've booked the film for about five 0:clock so I've got some time to do some of my blog at least, I'm gonna try something out on my tablet which mite help me with writing my blog, something which is a voice activation device but the only way I can try it is with complete silents  And I don't think I'm getting it so I'm gonna try it with my door shut and failing that I'm gonna give up and do my blog another day. Erm I gave it a go but just as I thought I was interrupted so I'm giving up for today I'm sorry about that, but on the up side at least I've got Mrs BB to look forward too. So I'm gonna detach myself from my tablet! And go in the kitchen for lunch, oh while I was in my room Paul dropped a note into next door asking for permission for him to look in her house to compare it ours and to be honest with you her wall on the other side was a lot more worse off and so were her drains that because her house is attached to our house we offered to help her. Oh I didn't show you a picture of the damage that having no ceiling in the green room is coursing did I but don't worry I will do, at the end of this entry. Anyway for now lets go back to earlier on when I was in the kitchen, and Mum thought she had better check the tickets for Mrs BB and it's lucky she did because Mrs Browns Boy's is at three instead of five like we first thought. So Mum quickly made us some pop corn to take to the cinema and then some cheese and ham toasted sandwiches to eat quickly before we set off for the pictures.And lets just skip the part where I say it was a good film because you couldn't be more wrong! it was bloody boring. Anyhow I promised you a picture of the damage that the ceilings doing.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Lol ..for anyone reading this ..yes it was the worst film I have ever seen. Brilliant blog entry as usual Bex xxx

  2. I now have this amazing picture in my mind of water coming through the ceiling in the green room, filling that room to overflowing so that we had a stream on the landing, a waterfall down the stairs and the pond you have pictured in the sideway!

  3. I must remember to wear my frogman's flippers next time it rains heavily at the cottage ;-)


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