Tuesday 9th June 2015 Holiday

Hey my Dear's today we're gonna take a trip to go get some bright pink bras! But other than that I don't know what we're doing because Dad's gone to the dump and then he's gonna continue in the garden with our neighbour. But other than that, I don't know what we're doing, I will keep you posted! Well as it turns out I ended up buying four pink bras instead of just buying one or two like I was going to! Oh and we also went to Boy's to take the robot Hoover back because that wasn't working properly. Then Mum took me to Paninis for a egg and bacon bage which I thoroughly enjoyed because I eat the bread first and saved the best tell last which was the egg and bacon bits! Oh I had curly fries with it as well it was lovely! But as we were walking home we had come across this tabby cat she was lovely I'm not just saying that she was so friendly she even climed on the back of my chair it was a fun day! Oh don't worry we did manage to cram in one or two hours of embroidery well don't worry we didn't miss that out of our busy schedule now could we! Nah we managed to do two more square for the new cushion and trust me when I say it's all coming together. We haven't got a picture yet but the pictures are coming, well I'm gonna leave it there and say TTFM and thanks reading Bex.


  1. One or two hours of EMBRACING?????!!!!!!! I think you mean Embroidering hahahaaaaaha xxxxx

  2. One or two hours of EMBRACING?????!!!!!!! I think you mean Embroidering hahahaaaaaha xxxxx

  3. Hi Bex. Sounds like you're having a wonderful holiday. Your mum is going to be cream crackered! You'll need another suitcase to take all your embroidered goodies home, too. Loving your blog and your smiley face; keep it up xx

    1. Thank you and thank you for reading you ain't seen nothing yet!

    2. Thank you and thank you for reading you ain't seen nothing yet!

  4. You're alright I've put it right now! Xxx

  5. You're alright I've put it right now! Xxx


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