Holiday June 19th 2015

So lets get on to yesterday now. Um Mum and I went to wisbech again and you probably can guess what we brought! Yes you guessed it some more pillows to make cushions with but this time they were bigger one, and this time I stayed in the car cause Mum was only gonna be a couple minutes. Then we went to two pound shops and bought a scratching post for Macey and Misha to use because other wise they would both end up scratching the carpets and we don't want that do we now!!! After all that excitement we sat down and had some lunch at Frankie & Bennise but I can't show you any pictures as of yet because Mum has to off load them on to her pc. So you'll have to be patient and wait I'm afraid but they are coming! Oh and guess where we went after Frankie and Bennise yes you guessed again Tesco's to get, another pare of bright green shoes! Well I think I better go and get some photos for you so TTFM and thanks for reading and commenting bex.


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