Holiday June 18th 2015

First of all before I start on what happened today I just want to say a big thank you to those of you who don't know or haven't heard of my mate Haley but know me, I want to thank you to those of you who had their fingers and toes crossed for her birds to be found and to come home safely, well I got word that one of the bird's of prey have been found and has been brought home safe and well but we still need to keep our fingers and toes crossed for the other one to be found safe and well but a big, big thank you anyway it really hasn't gone un noticed so once again on behalf of Haley many thanks and please keep your fingers crossed for the other one to be found. I'm off to bed now because it's getting to late tell you about today but I promise you I'll tell you about that tomorrow now. But many thanks for reading and commenting Bex.


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