Holiday June 25th 2015

Hey my little rainbows, tonight's entry I'm afraid, is gonna be another short one. Anyhow this morning was a bit of a different morning because instead of breakfast Mum and I had brunch out in the garden for a change and it was actually rather yummy and because I was feeling a bit ill with my stumuc before hand, having that brakefast made it all the more special, and so then after brakefast I wouldn't feel as drained if at all so then I could get on with the last cancer trust tshirt. So now we have finished making the cancer tshirts Mum and I can carry on with making the keyrings we started making tomorrow oh I've also got to pack to go home as well. Which I'm not looking forward to but it's not fair on Macey being indoors all the time. I'm sorry I had to stop so apruptly again and sorry that some of it doesn't make sense but thanks for reading and commenting anyway Bex


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