Holiday June 17th 2015

Let me updated you on the state of me ear. Mum put another candle in it last night its a lot better but it still feels a bit blocked in me left ear, so Mums put more drops in so we're gonna see if that works now that we're got most of the wacks out and if it doesn't work I'm gonna have a week of antibiotics so there we go. On a different subject today we're gonna wrap a present up for Haley and personally I can't wait. So all in all we're gonna have a chill out day and that's all I've got for you today so I'll say TTFM and thanks for reading and commenting Bex.


  1. I hope your ear is feeling better now? take care. Linda B. :)

    1. Yeah a lot better than thanks xxx😊

    2. Yeah a lot better than thanks xxx😊


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