June 22nd holiday 2015

Hello my little kitty cats today's been really busy, because first of all we went to boyes and spoke to Chloe for what felt like an hour! About her wedding no but seriously it was good though because Mum got to catch up with her and find out how it all went, and we also got to see the photo she had taken for her of the day, and She looked stunning. After spending nearly an hour in boyes catching up, we went to paninis and had our usual a bacon and egg bagett but I was cheekey and asked for another two peaces of bacon because the bacon we had was too chripy for me! And after that we went to the small Tesco's and got ourselves some red velvet cake to have as our after Supper treat, and it was utterly delicious! Woops I skipped to the end of the day before telling you what happened before tea. Well we managed to churn out three more keyrings so all in all we've got eight keyrings now which is cool and it's all for a good course. Right guys and girls thanks for reading and commenting I'm off to bed and will see you in the morrow Bex.


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