Holiday June 20th 2015

Hey my little chickadees This morning Mum and l decided what charity my hair should go to and it's the Teenage Cancer Trust because that's connected to Great Ormond Street as well so that should be good. We're also decided to make some cancer keyrings as well to go with my sponsorship forms so we're getting there, oh sorry hairs not going to the Teenage Cancer Trust my hairs going somewhere else the money's going to Teenage Cancer Trust so it's all coming together. We've also finished making the rainbow cushion as well so all in all it's been a good days work. I'm actually gonna leave it there for today so thanks for reading and commenting Bex


  1. Brilliant. Looking forwards to the keyrings xxx

    1. Thanks Mum I can't wait either thanks for today xxx

    2. Thanks Mum I can't wait either thanks for today xxx

  2. beautiful pillow! love the rainbows too!

  3. beautiful pillow! love the rainbows too!


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