Holiday June 23rd 2025

Hey my little Rainbows I haven't got a clue what we're doing today because it all centers around what the hair dresses say because at some point this week I'm gonna get my hair trimmed. Besides that I want to some tshirts designed to say what I'm doing next year and there not to give away they are purely for advertising purposes. Oh on a different subject all together, as my Mother so kindly reminded me! Um yesterday afternoon we'd just got back from town and she was outside putting the ramp away, and I was indoors trying to get to my room to put my fanny bag and that away, when I found myself on top of Mum's newly embroidered bag in actual fact it was a squashed bag by the time my wheelchair came off it. What made it worse was the fact that Mum had mayonnaise in it and it went everywhere Macey even had a bit!!! Anyhow we managed to put a design on the computer for the cancer tshirts I wanted to do but what really surprised me was that we managed to churn one tshirt out and another ones being churned out now so by the of the day we should have two tshirts which I'm really looking forward too. Anyhow I have to go and feed Macey but thanks for reading and commenting Bex.


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