Holiday 13th June 2015 the barn owl king

Hey everybody today's the first full day of the most surreal day of our life's so far, yay I cannot believe I may get to hold a real barn owl eat your hart out plop! Anyhow before I can do any of that I have to be able to hear because at the moment I'm as deaf as a post and I can't hear out of my right ear, and I know some of you will be saying yay that's a bonus she can't hear what's been said about her! But you've got to remember I can still hear out of my left ear haha! Anyway the girls came back with these therapy candles, and so we had a go with them after we'd had whoooe out for his cuddles and kisses and after we'd had lunch. Oh it was funny you had to be here I had my head to one side on a pillow with this candle sticking out my right ear and Hayell said "all we need now is to paint your face and then you'll look like Shrek"! Oh it really did look funny you really had to be there! Anyway guy's it's been cool chatting to you and all that but I must say TTFM and thanks for reading and commenting Bex


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