End of Holiday till Christmas

Hey my little rainbows as you might not have guessed by my last entry that Mace and I are going home today, so that means no more craft and embroidery at least until my birthday which is ashame I will just have to sneak the masheen home without Mum noticing! anyway I have to go before my battrey runs out so I'll see you in a bit. Hey my little rainbows I'm back I hope you didn't miss me to much like I missed you! Anyhow my batteries charging and I'll ready and rairing to go soon. I just need to have a bath, have breakfast and sort a few more bits out then Macey and I will be ready to go but all said and done we really enjoyed ourselves. As you can tell by all the pictures oh and I've got one more thing to you when Dad came up by train he'd also brought with him a tye dye tshirt my Mum's friend made for me. So Mum might take a photo of it later when I've got it on so I can show it on my blog but I shall say TTFM and thanks for reading and commenting Bex


  1. I have had the most wonderful 4 weeks with you and am missing you already :-( xxx


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