Wednesday 23 July 2014

Hey as you may have gathered Macey and I are back home and to be quite honest with it's like we've never been away, but again it feels like we have if that makes sense. The reason it feels like we haven't been away is because I'm still as busy as ever. And on the other hand it still feels like we're still on holiday because I still feel relaxed! Oh you'll never guess what happened today before my career and I went to the vets to get Macey's flea and worming stuff well she I and went to Table Table and the waiter wanted get into the cupboard for something and I was in the way, so my career said no don't move make him beg and so before I even had a chance to say no he was down on his knees begging me! Oh we both had sausage and mash and for pudding my career had ice cream and I had sticky toffee pudding with custard. Then we went to the vets to get Macey's med's, but what I didn't know until this morning that there was another broadway vets that was closer to home it's still attached to the other broadway vets but for me it's a lot easier to get to, and so that meant I was really excited I literally can't stop talking about it cause it means that I can drive myself to the vets to get her stuff rather than having to rely on people to take me all the time, and at least if Mace dose get sick a career and I won't have to get a car or a bus to take her to the vets we can just walk there. Oh I'm so happy it's like all my birthdays and Christmases have all come at once!!! I must say a massive Thank You Lord cause it wouldn't be there if it wasn't for you answering my prear and so to you I am very grateful so Thank You. And thank you everyone for reading my new blog.

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