Monday 23rd June 2014

Today Mum and I are going to Tesco's because as I may have told you Mum will have to stay up in March when Macey and I go back home to Kent just until the green room ceiling is done and dusted! Get it done and dusted! Oh well I'm waisted here as a blogger. Anyway where was I oh yeah Mum and I went to Tesco's to get some food for Mum for the next two weeks oh and some Tesco's diet coke for the rest of the week. Then we went home to see what Macey was upto and to fill in some paper work for my blue parking badge. Oh this morning found Macey's head in between the bars of the bannisters it was very funny Mum called me just in time to take a picture. Oh today was a bit more of a lade back day but again we enjoyed it.


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