Friday 20th June 2014

Today Mum had a bit of a tidy up before we went to our favorite place for lunch, and the main conversation we were having was still about the fault in our stars, because it was such a fab day and a fab film that I've got a filling that I'll still be talking about it when I get back to Kent! Anyhow back to Friday yeah so we went to paninis for lunch and this time I had a orange juice with lunch instead of a milkshake. Yeah I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that's unusual for you, yeah well I fanced a change but don't worry cause we still had our famers baget so I'm still set in my ways! After lunch we went to sainsbury's to get something for tea, bra's and the boy in stripped pajamas. But we didn't watch that this evening we watched the soonarmea DVD instead and that was another film I was really gripped to an all, and after telling you all that I'm just about ready to go to the nackers yard! And so on that note we're going to bed, so I'll see yous lot tomorrow night! I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures for this entry yet but I'm sure there are some you'll just have to bear with me on this one.
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