guess what Macey brought in another mouse yesterday afternoon and I think it was the same one she brought in for me on Friday, and luckily this time she dropped it in the bathroom so I was able to kill it and put it in the bin. I felt so proud of myself that I think I've got this down to a tea now! I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures yet again but I promise you that I will have by Christmas. Many Thanks for reading and TTFM
Sunday 9th June 2014 We didn't do much again that Sunday morning. Well Mum stayed at home relaxing well she was ment to be whether she was or not I don't know probably not knowing her. Anyway whilst Mum was supposed to be relaxing, Paul and I went to Church so nothing really out of the ordinary. After Church Paul and I had lunch at a little caffe by March so we didn't have far to go home. at the caffe I had a cheese and ham panini and a milkshake with toppings and Paul had a brakefast baget and a coffee, and all's I can say was it was lovely. That morning well in actual fact the whole day was nice, because in the afternoon the three of us went along to the park. Where they had activities going on we even had an ice cream each and sat on the grass and watched performances. Oh we had fun that afternoon but when we came back we had found that the chicken had gone off, because the fridge freezer had stopped working that evening. So we had to live on microwave meals and t...
So pleased you're blogging again, I've missed it xx