Wednesday 6th Augest 2014
This morning outreach got me up as a favour to Com care as they were short staffed. Anyhow I got up fed Macey and myself and then the phone rang it was the bed man ringing to ask when he could come round to fix my bed, I don't know whether I've told you but I've got an electric bed and it went up the creek the other night. What happened was, I got half way down because I wanted to lay down, and I took my thumb off the control and without me doing anything it just kept on going. So I said to Mace, that's it I'm phoning the bed people first in the morning. It seriously felt like I was on the phone for most of the day yesterday. Anyway the man came round at half nine this morning and gave me a new control and he also fixed the brake on the bed. my career came back right in the middle of him fixing my bed not that, that matters but she did. So I got her to bring my tea over to the table, and we both had a cup of tea cause she made one too. I did offer the repair man a cup of tea but luckily he didn't want one. After he left we decided to visit Justin and Ben in the Coach House Muse because I'd posted a letter that I needed to yesterday, we were going to take it in to the doctors today but because the bed man was coming it was quicker to post it yesterday. Anyhow we went round to Justin's and Jades to have another cup of tea so at least that took up some time but seriously today has been boring and I'm sorry to say that. I think think the thing I've been the most excited about is getting a new control for my bed. Here it is my third pride and joy! Cause that means now I can sit up, lay down and do that all without the bed braking thanks for reading.

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Glad you are mobile again!!!