Saturday 9th August 2014

Hey Everybody,

I'm feeling really relaxed today and I don't actually feel like anyone is going to come in to our house and tell me off for not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and it's actually really nice not to feel like that for once. Once I've finished my washing I'm gonna make the most of the sun and do a bit of sun bathing whilst it's out so I'll see you guy's later. Oh and this morning I went on pintrest and I found this rainbow cake which I want to attempt to make I know it's a birthday cake but I like a challenge, and talking of challenges now I'm gonna make light of this, so I'm just going to tell you. Um I've just got off the phone to Mum and she's just told me that the whole of Hope Cottage has flooded apart from my room, and so Paul has had to go up there and try and sort things out. Which won't be easy because for those of you who haven't been there before Hope Cottage is a big house and it's not easy to clean let alone sort this out. And so again I'm not making light of this situation and I know that some of may or may not be Christians, but please could you keep Hope Cottage and Cambridgeshire in your harts and priers. Many Thanks and thanks for reading.


  1. Loving reading your blog .. that cake is amazing!!!


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