Wednesday 27th August 2014

Hey Everybody,

I know that I haven't written for a few days or weeks I haven't had much to say but now I have erm I've been nominated to do the ice bucket challenge but you may or may not be pleased to hear that I've decided not to do it. People may think I'm a chicken but I've just heard from my Mother that thirtyseven people have died from doing exactly that, it kind of puts you off from doing something like that doesn't it and trust me she wasn't scare mongering, it's true thirtyseven people have died from the ice bucket challenge hence why I've change my mind about doing it. This is me not trying to be a party popper I'm just trying to stay safe oh and I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures to go with this entry yet again I promise you I will have soon but thank you for reading anyway I appreciate it. and TTFN.


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