Hey everyone

you will be pleased as punch to know that this entry won't be as long as the last one! erm I'm sorry to say yet again I haven't got any photos for this one either but I will have soon I'm sure of it. Anyway back to the matter in hand today went ever so quickly I mean me careers got me up at half eight which was unusual cause I normally I get at seven on a week day and half eight on weekends but because they are short staffed I guess it's all gone belly up, which I'm very pissed off about, cause that means I have to get up at nine 0:clock tomorrow morning, so you can understand why me not happy with that. Oh I've had my rant at the apropriate people don't you fret about that. I'm just having my rant on here now. Don't worry about it cause people who know quite or very well know that I holds grudges I shouldn't do I know but more often than not I can't help but hold over someone. Anyhow on a happier note I went to dance after a week away from it and I found out it's only next week that we're doing the performance so that will be interesting and exciting. Anyways Mace and I better be off to bed so TTFM and thanks for reading and once again I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures


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