Where do I start should I start with the last Bank holiday of the year or should I continue with the rest of this week but that will mean you'll only get half the story. No I think I'll start with the last Bank holiday weekend of the year because it will make more sense then. Right two months ago I phoned the wheelchair service up about my wheelchair, because I thought the moters were going on it. Anyway they are finely coming out today hopefully to give me a new chair. But that's not the beginning or the middle of the story, the fun and games really started on that Bank holiday Saturday, well everything was going smoothly on that Saturday morning well as smoothly as Saturday morning's could go I guess, but then Asdas arrived which was fine, because they came and went. Anyway after they had left I had started to unpack my shopping you know as you do, and I had notest they had given me a family sized box of cheerios and I thought oh beep! I've ordered the wrong size but then I thought why waste it. So I put them in the breakfast box but more than half of the cheerios went on the floor and so I had to lock Macey outside while my neighbour and I cleared all the cheerios off the floor! But that's not all that happened that day because in the evening I decided to cook sausages, veg and gravy while the sausages were cooking I had the veg in the microwave after the veggies were done I put the gravy in the microwave to heat up for two minutes. When the gravy was done I opened the microwave door and I attempted to take the gravy out the microwave and by doing so I had spelt it all over the kitchen floor! And so everywhere in the kitchen was coverd in gravy! Even my chair was covered and it also cut out so I had to wait till Monday to get back in it again. Which wasn't fun believe me. Anyhow after all that I got my chair back yesterday morning before Ben came round and so I was really happy I was so happy that Ben bless him thought I'd had an accident, because I was screaming like mad. mind you to him it did actually sound like I fallen out my chair I must admit it was quite funny! Oh forgot to say before Ben came round Macey was being very naughty by jumping on top of the tv and I wasn't best please but hey ho I guess cats will be cats. When Ben came round he got Robin to came round and help him put me in my wheelchair. then Ben and I went to Whether spoons for fry up because I hadn't had any breakfast I'm sorry but this bit is going to be quite boring! Because after breakfast we popped into Morison's to get some frosty's  for morning's and then we court the bus back to Strode, then after that we went to the holiday bungalow's  to see someone about a dog for a change and that's about my Wednesday.


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