Saturday 15th June 2014

I'm gonna start off with saying I haven't got a picture for this entry either, but don't worry cause I have for all the rest. It's barbecue day yay I'm dead excited because, I know Pete and Julie are coming up but they are bringing Aileen up as well and she's a friend that I haven't seen for ages, more importantly she's gonna see Macey for the fist time. Anyhow they arrived at twelve and Paul got the barbe started pritty soon after. Mum handed chrips out in case anyone was hungry while the food was cooking. I went to Lidles for some bread rolls and when I came back it was just about time to eat, we all were full afterwords with burgers and goodness knows what else but we enjoyed it! After lunch stroke dinner some of us went to town and some of us stayed behind and fell asleep on the sofa I'm saying nothing! (Peter) when the girl's came back from town. We sat in the living room and Mum and I got our craft stuff out to show Aileen and the others and to see if they wanted to have a go in between eating! Oh by the way Aileen loved Macey and I think Macey loved Aileen. Pete, Julie and Aileen went home at ten in the end and all in all we had a fab day. Oh I forgot to say Tony came in the evening to give us a quote on how much the ceiling will cost to fix because Tony and one other guy will fix it for us.


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