My holiday with Macey and Mum


My Mum and Dad came down on the Friday evening at about eleven o:clock and so we had a farely late night that nigh. We went on holiday on the Saturday, but before setting off on the moterway. We left Mace back at the house while Mum, Dad and I went for btakefast at the punchtavin. I had bacon, sauages, eggs and hashbrowns and Mum had bacon, sauages, eggs, hashbrowns, tomatoes and beans. I can't remember what Dad had. But that doesn't matter because we had a good time anyhow. After brakefast we went back to the house to finish off packing and to pick up Macey and put her in her carry case ready for the long journey to Camebrigeshire March. But little did we know it would be a longer journey than we hoped it was going to be because the car had broken down and so we had to wait for the AA to arrive, luckily for us the man said that he would arrive within half an hour and that he did.
What he said as regards to the car braking down was that the coil had come to the end of it's life basically, but luckily he had a coil spare in his van. So he put that one on and he said to us he would follow us to the end of the layby to make sure everything was ok and then send us on our way. We arrived in March at six o:clock. So we decided to have chinese for supper as Mum was to tired to cook and just collapsed in front of the Tv and watched BGT and that was Saturday our first day on holiday.



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