My Christmas 🎄 holidays 2016 Wednesday 21December

Hello my little Christmas fairy's in the early hours of the morning Mum didn't feel so good at six this morning, so she's just phoned the doctors to get an emergency appointment, and luckily she did it's at twelve noon today. So I'll fill you in on what they say a bit later. Well a whole day has passed now and I need to fill you in on what happened this morning, well as you know Mum Went and took herself down the road to the doctor's and they basically said oh we've seen you before for the exact same thing last year haven't we, Mum couldn't do anything but say yes they had. Anyhow they said she had a ear infection and they gave her strong antibiotics for it, so hopefully they'll start to work soon. After she went and saw the doctor, we did manage to get out to Tesco's and get some bits, and when we came back from Tesco's I had a bath and got in my after, then watched the chase which was good the contests won against Shorne this time yay, anyway after the Chase I took my tablets, so they had a chance to work before dinner, because through out the day I had said I would have the left over Chinese for dinner but little did I know I would throw up a little while after my dinner just because my food wouldn't go down, and this where I'm gonna stop because nothing really happenes from here on in until tomorrow so TTFN and thanks for reading Bex Penney.

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