Christmas Holiday's 2016 18th December

Today Haley's picking up the owl with Kia, so that means Mum and I have Mancub for a couple of hours which was fun, but at the same time wasn't, because for the first hour he was screaming the cottage down, and we couldn't give him his feed until he calmed down a little bit. Anyway he eventually calmed down, which meant we could give him he's feed, and once we gave it to him he went straight to sleep for a bit, when ManCub woke up Mum downloaded a baby fish game on her tablet and we had grate fun. Then it was nappy change time again, and then sleepy's time for little man again! But this time he slept right up until Haley and Kia came back from collecting the bird! Which was cool because he doesn't normally do that at home, Kia said he only normally sleep's for like twenty minutes at a time and then he wakes himself up again, tippacall boy he doesn't want to miss anything! But me I was lucky I got to eat my lunch and watch him at the same time without him crying, Haley and Kia if you're reading this ManCub was a joy to looks after. Anyhow when the others got back from collecting the bird poor Haley and Kia were frozen to the bone, so Mum put the kettle on as soon as she saw them coming down the path. Then in the evening what was really nice was the fact we all sat in the front room eating cerbab and chips some of us had salad but the fact was, we all had a good night in watching Me before you while eating a good harty tv dinner, anyhow I'm gonna say TTFN and thanks for reading Bex Penney

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