Christmas 🎄 holiday 2016. 13th and the 14th of December

Today is phoning Sanctuary and decorating the house day, the reason we have to phone Sanctuary up again today is because their customer-service line were down yesterday and we need to speak to a, persific person regarding the rent situation that I have found myself in. So we're doing that first and foremost then when we've got that sorted we can then focus on decorating the house.

Well today the 14th of December,
And I'm sorry if yesterday didn't make much sense but let me give you an update on what happened yesterday anyway before I start writing about what happened today, well you know we were phoning sanctuary regarding my rent well Mum spoke to Joe and to cut a long story short, the rent situation I was facing is sorted now, so I won't get any more letters concerning this matter. Which is cool that means now I can just get on with my life and have a pleasant Christmas with my family. Oh and in-between phone calls Mum and I did manage to put the decks with a little bit of help from Macey. And so back to the present day now, today we spent near enough the whole day in Tesco's today preparing for little Leon's arrival on the weekend I can hardly wait. Anyways Sorry to cut this entry short but Mace and I are dropping, so we're gonna say TTFN Bex and Macey

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