The Christmas holidays 2016 on Saturday 17th of December 2016

Saturday 17th December

Hey guys and girls well, I can give you an update on yesterday's events before I start on today's entry, well first of all Haley, Kia and Man Cub AKA Leon arrived around lunch time ish and I couldn't wait I was sitting in the kitchen looking through the window to the back garden and waited eagerly for Kia and ManCub, to arrive because I hadn't met them before! Anyway when they arrived we had lunch and then went into town to Boys, where by Mum bought some bag hooks that's the only way I can describe them and then, here comes the fun bit after Boys we were gonna go to Sainsbury but then Haley and Kia decided to go into a charity shop and we found out that they were drawing up the raffle tickets right there and then and that they only had a few tickets left before drawing the raffle, so Kia, bought a ticket for Haley, and Haley won a hamper for some friends she was gonna see on Sunday when she picks an owl up from where they live. Anyway back to this hamper, yeah so some how we had walk this ruddy great big thing back to the cottage. So what happened was, poor old Kia had to carry this hamper from the shop the cottage in actual fact she ran with it. It was so funny I almost wet myself! When we got back with the hamper we put it down in the dining room which isn't used as a dining room, anyway we put it in there and went and had dinner which was one of my favorite dinners, which is fall off the bone meat which was I must say delicious, it was followed by ginger sponge and ice cream.Thanks for reading Bex Penney

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