Wednesday 30th July 2014

Today I had Amanda with me and because Macey missed the litter tray yesterday bless her, pore Amanda had to help me mop the kitchen floor before we went into Herne Bay to meet up with the stride and riders and I think I need to explain what stride and ride is. Stride and ride is an event that Strode Park do every to rase money. See Strode Park is a disabled foundation which realize on chatty and people giving , For strode park to keep doing what they are doing and to continue being there for people with special needs like myself, and on the plus side it gives people the opportunity to dress up in fancy dress. For instance staff and clients dressed up as fares this year! Stride and ride also means that people have to walk and wheel all the way from Whistable to Herne Bay bandstand I mean come on you didn't think they were dressing up and looking silly for nothing did you no they still have to work for it! Here are some pictures form passed years even I did it until I couldn't a...