On the 11th of Demeber it's Flotex day
Hey everybody you'll never guess what the day is here! It is actually here, I can't believe it I've actually got my Flotex down on my sitting room floor, and you know how I said it would look totally different well it so does!!! Can you actually believe that I didn't want Flotex a cupple of months ago. Well you wouldn't think that now if you saw my face. Cause now I absolutely adore it now that I have actually seen it and felt it on my floor!!! I mean Dad and even had to turn the heating down a little bit because it was warm in our bungalow for once. I mean don't get me wrong it is warm in our bungalow because we've got double glazing but because Mum insists on Mace and I having the air vents open all the time.I could only feel the benefit of the double glazed windows when I wasn't anywhere near the those windows because there was still quite a draft coming in from outside but now we have the Flotex flooring down. My gosh it makes such a difference to the warmth in the house that you don't actually notice that the air vents are open it is really quite nice now!!! Anyway I suspect you've had enough of us droning on about our new flooring that you just want us to go to bed now don't you well don't worry cause we're off to bed now! Happy reading.

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