14th December 2015

We've arrived guys we've arrived at Mums after a long but good journey up here! We arrived at around about four thirty on Saturday afternoon and you can probably guess what I did as soon as we arrived, yes I went next door to Lidls to get some bits for breakfast the next morning. And a few other bits besides. When Mum and I came back from Lidls we ordered yet another batch of chines food purely because it was the start of the Christmas holidays, and of course because it's Christmas we just had to sit down and watch the final of the x factor! And someone called Chay Chestermen went out first and then it was Redge and Boly but the actual winner of the xfactor 2015 was Louisa Johnson
but we didn't find that out till the Sunday evening.
End of Saturday.

The second day of Christmas my true love gave to me a well deserved lay in. I think on that day Mum, Macey and I emerged at half nine that morning but we must of needed, to be asleep for that length of time anyway! When we eventually got out of our pits I had brakefast then helped Mum with preparing the roast for Sunday lunch. Which was roast pork which I must say was delicious and it gave Dad a full stumuc so that he wouldn't be hungry on his way back to northolt!!! After lunch while Mum was taking Dad to the station I attempt to fill the dish washer up but the draw came off the runners, so there was me trying to be helpful when in the end I had to wait for Mum oh well you can't blame a woman for trying!!! When Mum came back from the station we both filed the dishwasher to save time and then for the rest of the afternoon and evening we watched the box and that's the reason I knew Louisa Johnson had won the X-factor.

End of second day.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me a beef and ail casserole which again was very nice but to be fairly honest with you I wouldn't have again because it was very chewy we had cooked it in a pan which could go straight on the kitchen table it's cool Mum bought it for me and it's also big enough to cook full english breakfasts in it I think is an extra bonus! But that's not all I did on Monday I also prepared a list for when Macey.gose to the catarie the careers will know what to do for her in the week that she's away from me. Oh I also showed Mum what I'd got Macey for Christmas too.

End of the third day.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me an actual stocking to make for Macey for when she's away on her annual Christmas holiday lucky thing! Anyhow back to /the making of the stocking I chose the material and Mum helped me embroid it together and I must say it's come together rather nicely well I think so! Oh and I also used Mum's label maker as well to do some labels to stick on Macey's stuff so she doesn't lose it! So all in all it was a good day that day.

End of the fourth day.

On the fifth day of Christmas the chimney sweep bloke came to clean out the chimney because you see we've got a log burner, and if the chimneys are not cleaned out regularly then it could be potentially very dangerous. So he came in the afternoon and so we were free to do what ever we so desired in the morning, and so we left Macey to her own devices for a bit and trundled into town to get some bits from Sainsbury's, then we went for a bite to eat at our favorite place Paninis and had a bacon and fried egg bagett, curly fries and salad.
End of Wednesday

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Christmas shopping list to write which took almost all morning to do! And even then I had to eventually write it on Mum's tablet because I was getting writers cramp I mean she had so much on her list its unbelievable I mean not even I have that much on my shopping list, and I'm only one person with a cat in toe but I guess it is a special occasion!!! Oh it's somebody birthday next week I think I wonder who's it is!!! I'm gonna leave you guessing I'm afraid because I've got other to fill you in on before my tablet runs out of spondolicks for the night anyhow. So Mum finally got her tablets today which means we can go to the cinema tomorrow yay!!!!! End of Thursday.

The run up to Chrismas day, day seven well your never would have guessed what happened on this day, it was quite funny really now looking back on it, we got up got dressed I had brakefast with a cup of tea like I normally do brushed my teeth after brakefast just, like I normally do. Then got my stuff ready to go to the cinema in Wisbeach when Mum and I had come to a holt because it was then that we discovered the car wouldn't start, we also discovered the reason it wouldn't start as well and it was because someone hasn't pushed the button back in when I was coming out the car on Saturday evening, and what that button does is controls my straps in the car to make my chair secure in the car so if we're going somewhere in the car my chair won't move. It also releases the straps so then if I want to get out of the car I can. Anyway after all that we had to get somebody out to fix it before we could go anywhere! But eventually we did, manager to get in the car and drive to Wisbeach but unfortunately we were unable to go to the cinema and see sister's which was a film I would have liked to have gone to see but oh well people can't have it all can we maybe for some unknown reason we weren't meant to see it yesturday! But like I said we were able to go to the complex part of Wisbeach which has a pets at home store and a PCCurry's. It also has a Dunelms but we didn't go to Dunelms this time we went to Pc worldcurrys and pets at home instead because Mum wanted yet another tablet but one with a USB port this time because then she can transfer all the information on to it without worrying any while she was in Currys-pc world I was in pets at home getting stuff for Macey's stocking and after I got all of her stuff I rejoined Mum in Currys-pc world she couldn't get what she wanted so we went over to play with the hoovers instead, decided to play a game of star wars with the type of hoover I was gonna get! When we had finally finished playing with the hoovers we went to the bigTesco's just across the way from the cinema and it seemed like we bought the whole of Tesco's I mean we had bought everything on our list and more! I mean the trolley was full up to the brim with Christmas food and drink but I mean that's what Christmas is about eating, drinking and generally spending time with your family.
End of Friday.

On Saturday we didn't do much we had, started putting the Decorations up and that in the house like the Chistmas tree and the Christmas lights but that's really all we had time for, apart from have a bath and getting the tea ready
End of Saturday.

On Sunday instead of going to church like we were originally gonna do, we went to Wisbeach again to pound land and when we couldn't find anything in pound land, we went next door to pound stretchers instead, and found lots of things in their, like some more Christmas decks to put up in the house, and Macey's dinner mat which, I have to say looks very cute on Mum's table! Oh I'll tell you what else we found which was best of all, we found the one thing we've been looking for all along which is my werther's original toffees yay!!!! They are to die for, oh we didn't find any liver licke lix which was actually the main thing we were after. So after having not found the licke lix we decided to stop looking and go for lunch at prizeo which is an Italian restaurant and we had asked for starters only as we were eating and having a big meal that evening. But unfortunately the starters we had were massive amounts and we couldn't eat it all if we did that it would have meant we wouldn't be able to eat and enjoy our Super when Jim came round now would it.
End of of Sunday.

21st of December 2015

Well today was a sad day for me as it is every year around this time because it's around about this time that I have to say good-bye to Macey for a week even though I know that I'll see very soon it's still hard to say good-bye to her because I hate being away from her. But on the other hand I know they'll take good care of her. Anyway apart from her going for her little mini holiday we didn't do much most of today was, finish putting the decorations up, cooking and wrapping up Presents.
End of Monday.


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