27 December 2015


Hey everybody today we did actually go to Church! But Mum went into Peterborough shopping instead because, one she can't sit for long periods of time any more and two she needed some time out to do her own thing for a bit! Which is perfectly reasonable I sometimes need time out myself! And Sarai didn't come either, she wanted to stay at home, so in the end it was just Dad and I who went to Kings Gate to hear Rachel Hickson preaching. Which was perfectly fine too because I really did enjoy the service this morning! I did get Mum a cd of Rachel's sermon though so that she could listen to it in the car at her Leshoure. Because, it was good anyhow after church and after hearing Rachel preach we went and joined Mum in Asada to have lunch together and I don't know what went wrong with my lunch but it was horrible, I mean seriously thought I was gonna have to wheel quickly to the loos cause I really thought I was gonna throw up graffic I know but I really felt like that! Anyway horid detail Mum and I went down in the lift and I went off and bought Macey fourteen packs of the liver licke lix but little did I know Sarai had got her a load more as well bless her! So Mace defintely won't run out of the liver licke lix anytime soon!!! Meanwhile Mum went to M&S and bought a coat that she liked the look of and a few other things besides. Oh when Dad and I were in church she'd also bought two pairs of brightly colored rainbow shoes she'd got a size six for me and a size seven for her but unfortunately the size six didn't fit me so I had her size sevens instead. And she has reassured me that she's ordered the same shoes on the shoe website because I didn't want to take that pair off her because they are Skechers, and Skechers are the only shoes that are comfortable on Mum. So of course I didn't want to take them off her but now at least she's getting a pair for herself. So anyway after we got back from shopping we stayed home till six thirty because we were going out to the chinese down the road from us and I've got to tell you that what we had was lovely!!!

End of Sunday thanks for reading and enjoy.


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