Jehovah's Witnesses

Now we really are in the present time! Anyhow you'll never guess who we had on our front door this morning, yes it was only the Jehovah's Witnesses! And I don't know what was wrong with me but I shat myself! Not literally obviously but have you ever been in one of those situations or moments where you just don't know where to put yourself. Well if you have I know exactly how you feel now cause I was in one of them this morning, I mean for goodnesssake they try to convert me but don't you worry because I was having non of it, and told them twice I was a borne again Christian, and one lady pipes up and says I am too and I said no I'm a borne again Christian yet again and with that food for thought she said could I leave you something to read I said no and shut the door behind me. It's getting late so I'll say TTFM and thanks for reading


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