24th May 2015 Doctors

To all bloggers, reader's and comments I've started to put titles on my entry's, so at least we know where we're at then don't we! Yeah so anyway I can't sleep, so I thought I'd catch you up on what happened this week just gone. Well on election day I was due to get my front wheels changed on my wheelchair so I had to be in my manual wheelchair anyhow, and as you probably can imagine, I was getting more and more fed up not least because Labour weren't winning the election but also because I was in my other chair. But to top it all off I had a letter come through our door from St Anne's surgery that day saying due to my recent blood tests Dr Hill wants to make a routine phone consultation with me regarding my resolts on Monday the eighteenth of May. Now as you can see by the dates on my entry's that date has been and gone and I've had that consultation with Dr Hill, and by all accounts everything's fine my blood's have dipped all little, but that's fine because she's put me back on ferrous sulfate. For now and she's gonna see how my level's are after my holiday with Mum. Now that's the last I'm gonna speak about stuff like this until after I come back, so I'm gonna TTFM and thanks for reading.
posted from Bloggeroid


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