20th May 2015 cinema

Yeah so I went to the cinema this Saturday just gone to see a cartoon film called home, now I'm not usually into cartoon films but this one I really did want to see. Erm the film home is about this alien called O and the reason he's called O is because when people see him they think oh here he comes again, and so people run away or run and hide from him when all he wants to do is befriend people and make friends..... He dose make friends with this human little girl and her tabby cat though, because what he didn't know was that he was placed in her house to try and make a home for himself. You see the alien were sent to earth to try and find out what humans were like but by doing that they had to send the humans some where else. have you court up now! So anyway to cut a long story short O befriended this little girl and her cat and helped them find the little girls Mum who had been placed in Australia. By another group of alien's anyhow at least there was a happy ending because they found each other and made O apart of their family. Thanks for reading TTFM.


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