15.Feb 2015

Well we're in the second month of the year 2015 already and such a lot has happened to my family and I so far! I mean it has been and is going to be one of those years that you just wouldn't mind forgetting! I wont spill everything now, because then that would mean Macey and I wouldn't have a story to tell would we! I will tell you this though. I bought a new hotpoint washing machine on Wednesday with all the modd cons on it but I guess I can't take all the credit cause Mum was the one who went on the internet and look for it for me after a little bit of an argument and some delbarton I finally let down my gard and let Mum do the washing machine serching for me cause Mum knows best when it comes to things like this I just went and bought it! And it came yesterday thanks Mum I think it's brilliant. TTFM and see you for the next installment of our story this year. and thank you for reading.



  1. Wow! Very nice! Love the blog and love you xxx

  2. Brilliant blog Bex -I'm glad that you like your new washing machine so much xx


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