24th. February 2014

Hey everyone this is gonna be a short entry tonight I'm afraid. But, and this is a Big But, can I just say this oh can just say as well before I say what I was about to say first is that some of you may not understand why I'm saying what I will be about to say but some of you will and you know who you are! No but on a serious note I'll get straight to the point shall i, I just wanna thank everybody who is reading this year's blog because by reading this blog, going on facebook and seeing us in Church or Churches, what you don't realize is you've been helping and supporting us through some difficult times, and as our friends I just wanted and want to say on behalf of my family and I a very big thank you to each and everyone of you. There you go this entry wasn't so short after all! Um I will get back to my story soon enough but in the mean time thanks for reading and have a good night. TTFM Bex.


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