Tuesday February 8 2011

I'm writing my blog this morning so that I can get some rest this afternoon not that I will but I'm hoping to. This is only going to be a short entry because of my arm hurting from last night. See I was silly and you can proberly guess what happened next, Yes I had my left arm stuck in between the bed rail and my bed. So I don't know how I managed it but I managed to phone my carers and they had an ambulance car come out to me at half eleven. To get my arm out from in between the bed and the rail so I finally went to sleep at midnight. My arm is a bit sore this morning, but it will just be a bit brused. I know one thing it will teatch me not to pick things up in the middle of the night again I would prefir to wet myself than to get my arm stuck again.


  1. Awww BEX!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are doing better now that you have had a bit of *armless* fun! I love you, Mum xoxo


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