Sunday 6th February 2011

I didn't get to watch the Cleveland show in the end because I fell asleep. Anyway I'm not going to my normal Church today because I want to go to a Church where by I can get more involved in bits that the Church is doing, IE getting involved in a small group. What I mean is I don't just want to come and go at the end. I  mean I want somewhere that I can call home for good. Vine Yard is my home but I seem to be wanting so much more now a day's. That Vine Yard is just not enough any more, Don't get me wrong I have made some really close friends there and we do keep in touch using face book and that. Anyhow when Mum and Dad come down not this time but some other time they are going to take me to City Church, Which I am really looking forward to, Because may be I could get more Church activates.
This afternoon I watched supper Nanny that was good and wife swap which was also good. Then I emailed Zoe about two single mattresses, For my Mum and Dad because at the moment I haven't got a sofa have I yay I spelt sofa right this time. Anyway back to the subject of the sofa, We've ordered one but, It hasn't
arrived yet. That's why I need the mattresses because of going into hospital on Wednesday and Mum and Dad are staying over If Zoe hasn't got any spare mattresses  its ok because Mums got some airbeds from her Church to have even though they ain't very comfortable. Thats why I've asked Zoe to spare us some mattresses.


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