24 Feb 2011

Where do I start well I went to Canterbury hospital after shopping like I said I would, But St Lorant's ward weren't expecting me at all. So I arrived at the hospital  expecting their to be a bed for me when their weren't any available but luckly there was a bed available because someone was being discharged just at that moment. So there was finualy a bed but I wasn't going to go in that bed because there was a women in the next bed bless her she was screaming and shouting for help and they were just ignoring her, I mean bless her she did have dementia but even so I wasn't going to stay the night in that five beder because to be quite honest if Idid spend a night in that five beder I would not have got any sleep. Anyway Mum would have felt more happyer giving me the Moviprep at home than me having to be in hospital to have it, So we came home. Anyway after all that the Moviprep didn't work the first night that I had it but it did the next morning. And I was as sick as a dog because come out bouth ends so I wasn't very well at all and I was due to go to Canterbury hospital that afternoon, So Mum had to get me readdy that as well so it was very hecktick. But I didn't have the colonoscopy in the end because my bowl wasn't empty enough so they havt to send me another letter to resgedual another appointment. I mean I was hoping to have it done at hinching brook in Cambridge because there I've got all the facilities that I need there where as here I can't even get into my barth to get clean. So it kind of defeats the object really I mean don't get me wrong I have bed barths and that but it's not really ideal because I have to have the Moviprep again. Erm the hospital phoned up yesterday and said that Hinching Brook couldn't take me because of funding and the fact that I didn't need to go anywhere quicky, They couldn't take me.


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