21 Januery 2011

Today was my second day back at the coach house and strode, I felt quite happy knowing that the boss of the over all care in all of Strode. Was taking care of the Tiena situation. Even though it took me till the evening to get hold of him to say thank you for looking in to  it for me, I maneged to get to talk to him as well. As saying thank you for supporting my family and I through this difficult situation that I found myself in with my helf. I also got to talk to him about Tiena as well and he made me feel so at ease about it all. That I wish I went to see him sooner. And he asked me to do him a favour that if I have a problem again with either Tiena or Zoe I'm to go to him straight away. He thought I was worried about coming to him but I wasn't.


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