It started when my Dad came to spend the last week of my Christmas holiday with my Mum and I. When he was a bit moody with everyone. I guess everybody has bad days and good days but Mum and I bore the brunt of it. I mean he was tired. Anyway enough talking about my Dad. lets talk about the rest of the week. On Friday morning my Dad and I went to get a bright Greene yellow jacket for when I go out at night or for when I'm coming back from Strode in the dark. Anyway when we got back home we saw one of the people who lives next door from us in March. So we invited then over for dinner because Dad was cooking.

 So they came over for dinner on Friday. So that was that day On Saturday Mum and Dad decided to let me have one more night in March but my Mum, Dad and I had to go back to Kent on Sunday because first thing on Monday morning I had to go to the doctors for a dissection about my treatment and what happends next.But what I can't beleave is the fact that Mum had to ask the doctor if I could have a blood test. I went next door to the nuurses office and she attenpted to take my blood to test it but she was struggling to get a vane and so I had to go to the local hospital to get my blood taking by a prefeshanal cause the nurse that tried to take my blood in the morning yesterday birst  a blood vesle in my right arm and it really hurt the nurse tried three time to get a vane but she could not get one. So thats why we had to go to the local hospital.

 After the doctors we had another meeting back at my house for me to get a new barthroom because I can't have a barth at the moment because my barthroom is very small and I'm waiting for it  to be adapted for me.
After all that we went to the local hospital for a quick blood test and that time Mum and I were in and out in a flash.Then after the hospital we went shopping to get some food for my frige because there has been no food in frige ever since I went to Mums for the Christmas holidays while we were shopping for food I saw part of the coach house out shopping as well.


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