Tuesday and it's the 18th April 2017

Hey my little rainbows, I'm sorry I had to be away you see I had to get another tablet, because me old one had given up the gost, mind you I have had it for three years so it was bound to go eventually. Mum said a tablet doesn't usually last more than two years, so she said that was brilliant for me old tablet to last me as long as it did. Back to the present day let me just tell you this, it has been a long and challenging week, which was good because I like long and challenging weeks. Anyhow it's now Tuesday the eighteenth of April and I'm sorry but I've had to skip a few days, because otherwise it would have been too long winded!!!! Anyway to cut a long story short, yeah I did go to Riverside on Sunday and yeah, it was a cool service as usual. James Corden featured in it so it had to be cool didn't it really! Anyhoo I need to get some sleep, so I'll continue this tomorrow if you don't mind cause I'm dropping. Hello fokes yeah it's me again and I'm sorry to disappoint you but it's not tomorrow I'm sorry but I've brought you all the way back round to Sunday again which means I haven't been writing on here for about a week. So I do apologizes for that. Oops I must apologize again because I've brought you back round again, but this time it's a Saturday yeah it's Saturday night and it's the twentyninth of April two thousand and seventeen. This week hasn't been too bad my best mate was supposed to be coming round yesterday and we were gonna have a girly day but that didn't quite happen because she had hurt her neck and believe me I know how painful that can be when you've hurt your neck, and so it ended up that I had a quiet day in by myself so that wasn't too bad but I would has preferred to have her company because I haven't seen her properly for a long time but oh well it can't be help can it bless her little cotton socks anyway I need to go to bed because I'm dropping and I promise you I will see you in the morning thank you for reading your sorry not in the morning in the evening thank you for Reading ttfm Bex and Macey


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