
Showing posts from August, 2014

Wednesday 27th August 2014

Hey Everybody, I know that I haven't written for a few days or weeks I haven't had much to say but now I have erm I've been nominated to do the ice bucket challenge but you may or may not be pleased to hear that I've decided not to do it. People may think I'm a chicken but I've just heard from my Mother that thirtyseven people have died from doing exactly that, it kind of puts you off from doing something like that doesn't it and trust me she wasn't scare mongering, it's true thirtyseven people have died from the ice bucket challenge hence why I've change my mind about doing it. This is me not trying to be a party popper I'm just trying to stay safe oh and I'm sorry I haven't got any pictures to go with this entry yet again I promise you I will have soon but thank you for reading anyway I appreciate it. and TTFN.

Wednesday 20th Agust 2014

Hey guys and girls sorry I haven't got a picture for this entry either but that doesn't mean I haven't missed you guys., on the few days off that I haven't been writing on my blog. I feel a lot better than I did I'm still not a hundred percent but who is after nealy a week of atomic pain. Anyhow I've got some good news and some sad news but I think it will be good news in the end. um a family friend of ours is in hospital um what happened was shed had a servia stroac and the doctors didn't think she would pull through but they are hopeful now because I lurned today that she blank her eyes for the first time since she had the stroac so at least that's a step forward at least that's the way I see anyways. And my other news is karren is gonna be starting to teach some sessions in the coach house and even though I won't be there cause of being in the day center I will still see her around. good night and thanks for reading.

Saturday 16th August 2014

This is gonna be a short entry and without a photo again I'm afraid because I've got pains in my side laugh out loud I think it mite be trapped wind, Cause I keep braking wind! I'm sorry to be so graphic and personal but there's one thing I will say I feel sorry for Macey today no wonder she prefers to stay outside! So I'm sorry but TTFM and thanks for reading even though it was graphic!

Friday 15 August 2014

I know it's late or early what ever you wanna call it, but yesterday afternoon I couldn't all very well call it evening because it wasn't so let's just call it afternoon. Anyhow Macey brought in a mouse for me as a little gift you know as cats do, anyway yesterday cause I knew there was a mouse in the house get it mouse in the house  (he he) like I said I'm wasted here! Anyhow I shut all the doors and opened our back ones, and after a while I shut them again thinking the mouse had gone, but it was at about four 0:clock this morning that Macey found and killed it, goodness knows where it is now. I bet knowing her, she's walking round with a big green on her face thinking I know it's in here somewhere Mummy doesn't think it is but I do and of course she was right as usual! It is still in the house but I don't know where and of course I'm in bed so yet again it falls to my careers to look and see where she's put it or it will have to ...

Tuesday 12th 2014

Well I wonder what challenges await me today I've already had one surprise this morning as I woke up. I woke up to the sad news that Robin Williams has passed away. I mean he was one of the people I grew up with and I'm sure he will sorely missed RIP Robin. Anyhow on a happier note I had a much better night sleep last night I've still got the aces but I'm a lot better than I was last night. I just feel like I'm rattling with all the tablets I'm taking at the moment! However I went to the day centre again today and this afternoon I was yoga fired again and I couldn't help but laugh and even though people were saying I was being disrespectful I couldn't help it! TTFM and thanks for reading.

Monday 11th August 2014

Hey Everyone, Sorry there isn't a photo for the entry, but can I ask you a question and don't worry if you can't reply but have you ever had that feeling where you just wanna run and hide or go somewhere where people don't know you. Oh don't worry I'm just ranting and raving, and Just having an in between day if you can even have one of them and I think we're gonna have one of those evenings when it comes to thunder. I'm sorry this entry is so boring TTFM and thanks for reading.

Sunday 10th August 2014

I'm not going to say much today but what I am gonna say is it's not very nice outside, but I guess it's a lot better than what Cambridgeshire is going through at the moment. So I think today's going to be a DVD day as well as putting my shopping away. Plus I think I've slept funny again and so my neck is sore again I'm always in the wars it seems. Oh the rain has arrived I think we're gonna have a rainbow any time soon! This mite not make any sence but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it anyway. it's tippical that I'm wanting for an early night and it doesn't happen cause I finding myself not being able to sleep. Anyway TTFM and thanks for reading. posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday 9th August 2014

Hey Everybody, I'm feeling really relaxed today and I don't actually feel like anyone is going to come in to our house and tell me off for not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and it's actually really nice not to feel like that for once. Once I've finished my washing I'm gonna make the most of the sun and do a bit of sun bathing whilst it's out so I'll see you guy's later. Oh and this morning I went on pintrest and I found this rainbow cake which I want to attempt to make I know it's a birthday cake but I like a challenge, and talking of challenges now I'm gonna make light of this, so I'm just going to tell you. Um I've just got off the phone to Mum and she's just told me that the whole of Hope Cottage has flooded apart from my room, and so Paul has had to go up there and try and sort things out. Which won't be easy because for those of you who haven't been there before Hope Cottage is a big house and it's not ea...

Friday 8 August 2014

Today dance is cancelled because Sam's not well and so I can't put a photo on this entry I'm afraid but I will be able to next week. Actually I'm glad that dancing is cancelled today because my chair is really playing up now. Anyway I'm going off to make myself a cup of tea, and watch the rest of Jeremy Kyle yeah I know I'm sad! Ok I'll see you a bit later. Well I've had my cup of tea, watched Jeremy Kyle and the show was just as boring as ever! But it was the only thing on at time after Jeremy Kyle I did some house work and took the bins out the front and that's really all I did this morning. I had pizza for lunch which was nice but it hurt as it went down as food sometimes dose with me. Anyhow after lunch I went to Strode to get my rooter for next week from Com Care. Oh and then I had a phone call from the social service and they want to see Macey and I on the twenty second of August just to see how we're doing. Apart from that it's been fa...

Thursday 7th August 2014

Right where do I start with today, lets just say it wasn't a normal day at the day centre in Strode Park! Oh don't get me wrong I went to therapy as normal it was afterwards that I'm on about! I was seating by someone for lunch and they threw up right in the middle of lunch I know that people can't help throwing up when their sick I'm just glad this person amened for the floor instead of my food. I know this entry is short but there's nothing else really that I can say about today so I will love you and leave you for this evening and thanks for reading.

Wednesday 6th Augest 2014

This morning outreach got me up as a favour to Com care as they were short staffed. Anyhow I got up fed Macey and myself and then the phone rang it was the bed man ringing to ask when he could come round to fix my bed, I don't know whether I've told you but I've got an electric bed and it went up the creek the other night. What happened was, I got half way down because I wanted to lay down, and I took my thumb off the control and without me doing anything it just kept on going. So I said to Mace, that's it I'm phoning the bed people first in the morning. It seriously felt like I was on the phone for most of the day yesterday. Anyway the man came round at half nine this morning and gave me a new control and he also fixed the brake on the bed. my career came back right in the middle of him fixing my bed not that, that matters but she did. So I got her to bring my tea over to the table, and we both had a cup of tea cause she made one too. I did offer the repair man a c...

Monday 4th Augest

This is only gonna be a short entry I'm sad to say because I enjoy writing for all you guys and girls, I've always liked writing ever since I was aged twelve. Anyway instead of me waffling on, you want to hear about what happened today don't you. Well first of all our shopping came from Asdas this morning, which was fine but it was supposed to have come yesterday reason being was I wasn't doing much yesterday, I couldn't go to church because my chairs still playing up. So yesterday would have been the ideal day for our shopping to arrive, but oh no I had to keep amending our order didn't I but what I didn't do was when it came to amending it for the last time on the Saturday, I forgot to to click on the continue button. So there was me thinking we would get our shopping yesterday morning, when it actually came this morning. When I was in a rush to get things done before my career came to take me to Freshgose! Yes you heard right Tesco's, see I go ...