5. 5. 2013

Hey guy's and girl's I didn't write my blog yesterday because it was manic first of all,. First thing yesterday morning my poor Mace got jumped on by a stray Tom who hangs around here from time to time and goes to see Gregg who lives next door but one from me. Well what happened was this I opened the back door which is what I normally do now that Macey's going out but little did  I know what was round the corner it was the Tom waiting to back Maecy up in a corner and jump her and I've never seen a cat fight quite like that one before! Then after they had finished fighting I had opened the door and I thought I would to tell Macey to come in so I could check her over to see if she was ok but I didn't have to call her, she came in of her own accord in fact she ran in she ran in at such a speed I should of videoed and put it on you've been framed or you tube  oh and after she ran in she wouldn't let me touch her to see if she was ok oh no so I had to wait till evening time to check her over. But she was and is ok thank goodness cause she was back outside that very afternoon and she's been in and out in and out the back garden ever since. Anyhow after all that fiasco I finally got out Asda and got my shopping and got back at about one got in doors unpacked the shopping and decided to to go out in the garden to have my lunch because I had bought an egg sandwich to have for my lunch for a change. So I decided to have it out in garden because it was hot on Friday so I wanted to sit out but as madam was laying right by the back doors I got stuck in limbo because I was half way in doors and half way out doors and my wheels were spinning. But bless him Tim who lives next door help me get unstuck then Mace and I had quite a nice afternoon after that because I finally got to have my lunch outside and she was able to get out again. Mum rang as well on Friday to sort out this blessed benafit form. On Saturday Mace and I had a pritty quiert day we've got nothing to report for yesterday laugh out thank goodness nothing went wrong yesterday I can't say the same for today though! Today I couldn't get the back door to lock and so I had to get someone to come out and fix it. They said the door had droped because of the weather he did fix it though. TTFM and thank you for reading.


  1. You live a much more exciting life than I do!!!!


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