8. May 2013

Hey Guy's and Girl's it's me again I couldn't write my blog yesterday, even if I wanted to because my eyes were really sticky. right yesterday um well what happened was this I went to Rise day centre as I usually do on a Tuesday. But there was a difference about yesterday the fire alarm  went off in the morning so those of us that could go outside did and those of us that couldn't go outside stayed inside because it wasn't a real alarm. But if it was everybody would be out I'm confused because I don't know what's been happening either while I've been out somewhere or whilst I've been at home. Because when I've been at home ever since Mace has been aloud out, so far it's been hot and I've been wanted to join her but haven't always been able cause twice now I've got stuck on the thresh hold and I think I need to billed up the speed to get over it. Anyway I fined it quite funny I'm gonna leave yesterday as yesterday and talk about today. Well today I had Amanda and because I had a load of washing to do we weren't able to go out. So because I bought loads of bananas Amanda and I made a banana cake and it was lush Amanda and both loved it. But don't worry there's still some left we haven't eaten it all laugh out loud anyway Macey and I are off to bed now so TTFM and thanks for reading.


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