April 5th 2018

Right I'm sorry I've got one entry published on the same day as I'm gonna publish this one, I promise you though they have got different dates on them! Anyhow let me gave you an update on what's happening this time with my boiler, well as you know from the last time I wrote an entry the boiler's now fixed but as you know there's still one snag as you know too, the hot water is still coming through Luke warm, and so I rang Sanctuary Housing London and the south east up again and they said the gas engineer from liberty gas is coming out to me again today as an emergency. So hopefully I should be able to have a shower by the morning, (YAY) I won't look like a skank anymore. This is what I look lie after near enough two weeks of not having a shower!!!! Imagine what my hair would look like after actually having a shower, (YAY) I can't wait!!!


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