Sunday the 7th of May 2017

Hey guys and girls, well tonight I've got quite a bit to get through and so little time to do it all in that I had better get started with some of it then, well first of all I missed church today because my usual taxi drivers on holiday and is not back until tomorrow don't ask me what time because I haven't got the foggiest when he's back I just know he's back tomorrow. Anyway one of the controllers that works for Abacus said that he hadn't got anybody to pick me up and vice versa! And so I had to spend this Sunday morning board out of my brains because there was no cars too take this morning. Oh well at least I get too see my kid's on Tuesday hey, at least that a bonus! And I do get to listen to the podcast oh joy I guess that'll have to do for now. But I would have preferred to be there, now I guess I had better love you and leave you because we need to go to bed Mace and I, but we promises to see you tomorrow let's say around the same time as we did tonight and if I promise to turn up you need to promise the same thing, oh and I'll let you how the podcast goes when I have a chance to listen to it. Many for reading Bex and Macey TTFM Ps I sliced meself on Macy's Patty tin so Sega some useless information for you to ponder on tonight!!!


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